Neither Thew or I are very adept bettors, despite having been raised in a horse track town. We managed to find a nice guy who supplied us with "Betting for Beginners" booklets that solved all that. On a side note, the "Betting for Beginners" booklets are a brilliant idea by the gambling industry; they allow a complete novice to tentatively understand complex betting schemes relatively quickly. Vegas has the same setup. It lets you part with your money more quickly.
Anywho, we started betting (and losing) on the ponies, and it was real fun. I took some photos. Bay Meadows is a nice enough place, not very spit polished. Lots of old men wandering about muttering in Spanish and Cantonese. All in all I think I made enough to pay for one of the beers I bought.

After The Prince of Wales Pub we ventured down the Camino Real to this little dive we had seen from the train but never been to, The Carlos Club. It was cool in there. Pretty divery, as we expected. Amy, the bartneder, was very nice. She was amazed at my knowledge of music that had been produced prior to my birth. Don't stop believin' Amy -- hold on to that feeling. It was also here at the Carlos Club where I watched Detroit lose to St. Louis in Game 1 of the Series. Damn. I had my rally cap on and some douche bag with his wife told me to stop drumming on the bar for the last at bat. Shut up, Old Man River. Let me lose with some pride, please.
So after the Tigers got their ass handed to them we proceeded toward a house party in the Excelsior district. This was only accomplished by the miracle of my new phone which has *the* coolest navigation program on it. Totally worth the money all the way.

The house was located on a hill, which provided me a great vantage to snap a pic from.

We rolled out after a time for good old PA; all in all a good night after a fun day at the races.