Anywho, I was there for a job interview -gasp- we'll let you know what happens. Presumably if I gain employment I will lose the time I have to devote to this fine past time. Oh, woe is the world, I know. Do not fear vigilant readers (all 3 of you :P), I will still write.
The Mission is nice. I had an awesome enchilada for lunch and was able to order the entire thing in Spanish, which I really enjoyed. One, for the fact that they spoke Spanish at this place and two for the fact that I was able to keep up. Sometimes the Mexican accent (especially Northern Mexicans) is a little too rapido for me. It makes me feel like some sort of undercover agent to kick it in Spanish while the other gringos stumble along in a nervous, slow and drawn out English. The best part is when the people they're so delicately speaking to just break out with a "You know, I DO speak English," and the non-Spanish speaker feels a little silly for having been presumptuous. In the converse, I have never begun speaking in Spanish to someone at a taco joint only to have them stop me and say "You know, this is AMERICA, where we speak ENGLISH!" Just the thought of that taking place makes me laugh.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any cool pics in the Mission, but let me give you a break down of what I saw: Taco/burrito stands, Clothing stores a-plenty, More clothing stores, Churches, Hipster Bars, Dive Bars, fun little apartment buildings, old men sitting on the corner smoking, little kids asking their mom for money to buy helado, and more Clothing stores.